sábado, 9 de junio de 2018


My acrosport's group is formed by Ramón Carlos Villegas, María Chacón, Laura Poyato, Sofía Sánchez, Patricia Pavón, Miguel Millán, Raúl Ávila, Rafael Carretero and me. 

Our song has been a remix made by us.

Firts, we started with a choreography, we position ourselves in a row.
Next, we put ourselves in our place:

Then, we realised the first pyramid:

We return to our positions and we are part of the choreography. We put ourselves in "V".
The second pyramid:                                We colocated 4 and 4:

Next, 4 people do somersault and we realised a little pyramid: Now, we make two rows and we cross each other We stand in a row and we fall each one to the side. After this, we place ourselves in our zombie positions: 

We realised the fourth and fifth pyramids:

Finally, we do the last part of the choreography and the last pyramid. Then, we fall to the ground and choreography ends.

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